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Sex Ed The Musical

Feb 27, 2020

About once a week, someone asks me how to have a threesome. We’re talking friends of mine, people I know through work, women I’ve met at yoga. Okay, I don’t go to yoga once a week, I probably go once a month but it’s so horrible it feels like once a week.

Regardless, I am asked this question over and over again.

This is a fact: Having a threesome is the number one sexual fantasy of heterosexual couples. I have a shit ton of anecdotal evidence to know this is true. I was once hosting a birthday party and a couple I’ve known for over 20 years came up to me and asked me how they could have their first threesome. At MY birthday party!

But I don’t blame them. Adding a special guest star to your show can be a great way to add some serious fun and, if you do it ethically and with the right planning and communication, a great addition to your horizontal repertoire.

Of course, this is super easy for me to say. I hang out with professional sex-havers and pleasure chasers all the time. I’m in what you’d call a “target rich environment.” Unfortunately, the rest of you are out there scanning the aisles of Trader Joe’s for that elusive unicorn. Trust me, I’ve looked and she ain’t there. Or, if she is, she’s probably just there to buy some non-dairy oat milk, not to hook up with you and your boo in that fucked up parking lot.

So where do you find your elusive unicorn? How do you approach them and attract them? When do you invite them over? What’s the perfect fruit to serve for a threesome?

All but one of those are very important questions and I’m about to answer all of them for you. Okay, not me personally, but two very special guests who’ve been on my show previously. A lot of you new listeners who are sending me emails, aren’t scrubbing through the entire episode catalog so you don’t know what’s in there. No worries, it’s all condensed for you right here.

Threesome School is now in session!

To hear the full interviews with my threesome experts and for tips on how you can have a fantasy threesome with anyone in the world, check out these episodes.



HOW TO BE SEXUALLY AUTHENTIC (featuring a particularly disastrous threesome story)

Full interview with a professional unicorn - HOW TO FIND SOMEONE FOR YOUR FIRST THREESOME, A UNICORN GETS REAL

A great source of information about Unicorns:

A New York Times review of the threesome dating app Feeld.

Good luck and happy hunting!


Unicorn Image by Annalise Batista from Pixabay