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Sex Ed The Musical

Dec 12, 2019

If you’re a woman in a heterosexual relationship, there’s a good chance you’re getting a lot less oral sex than your male partner. This Oral Sex Gap stems from many reasons. For one, women are pretty much “expected” to give blow jobs to their male partners, while a lot of hetero men easily justify why they don’t return the favor. Is it laziness? Is it patriarchal entitlement? Is it a part of a nefarious brainwashing effort that’s convinced women that there’s something too challenging, unattractive or disgusting about their bodies?


But, it’s not just the men who are saying no to oral sex with their female partners. A lot of women refuse to accept oral sex. Many women feel too vulnerable or have hypersensitive clitorises which makes cunnilingus difficult to enjoy. Or they bought that load of bullshit that a lot of dudes have been serving up for years.

Whatever the reason, CEO and founder of Lorals, Melanie Cristol saw an opportunity to offer a sexy product that allows women to accept pleasure without feeling awkward or vulnerable. The product, Lorals, are very thin, flavored latex underwear that are like a wearable dental dam…only a lot less awkward.

In this episode, I talk to Melanie about the oral sex gap and how we can ensure that women are receiving as much pleasure as possible.

Later in the episode, I enlist the services of a married couple who try Lorals and give me their thorough and unbiased review. Even they were a little surprised by the product.

AND, as a special Holiday Giveaway, the folks at Lorals have donated a four-pack that will go to one lucky listener. All you have to do to be eligible to receive the free Lorals is go to our iTunes page, subscribe, write a 5-star review and email the text of your review and the name you used to

One randomly selected new reviewer will receive a free four-pack of Lorals in the mail. Subscribe, review and email us today so you can be eligible to receive some Lorals!!!

If you’d like to purchase an awesome 4-pack of Lorals, go to today.

Remember, if you’re going to let something get between you and oral sex, let it be Lorals.